Hello everyone.

Davide here. This is my new website.

Under normal circumstances I am most likely to be found developing software, namely internet/server applications and/or designing the systems on which these applications run.

When I'm not near computers, I might be leisurely attempting to make trees and other vegetation grow, doing drive-by repairs and other casual DYI, admiring the local mountaintops or writing. The products of this last activity - ramblings, opinions and weird ideas - may eventually find their way into the post list below.


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Most recent posts:

Convincing Termux to become a well behaved GPS logger
Most GPS loggers suck for what I need to do, so I hacked my own.

How to restart the GL-MT300Nv1's WISP connection automatically
Let's get rid of an annoyance by teaching a Wi-Fi router to self-soothe when it is abandoned by its uplink counterpart.

Aphorisms on software development - part I
A forever incomplete list of mental beacons for use in the darker corners of the trade. First up: on quality and testing.

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