Aphorisms on software development - part I

(published: 2023-11-04)

A forever incomplete list of mental beacons for use in the darker corners of the trade. First up: on quality and testing.

Over the years I have gathered a collection of thought razors which have assisted me in various situations, from better framing the problem landscape ahead, to quickly dismissing "alternative facts" spouted by unfortunate future targets of the Peter principle.

Some of these are tame and almost common sense, others are controversial. Some might even be considered offensive. But I have found each and every single one of them to hold true in the overwhelming majority of situations.

There are quite a few of them, so this post is the first in a series, with said heuristics grouped by subject, but otherwise in no particular order.

Enjoy responsibly.

Aphorisms regarding software quality:

Aphorisms pertaining to software testing:

I may have missed a few, but any razors that were missed will at some point land on one of these pages. More aphorisms and other subjects to come in the future. However, for now, that's all I got.

Keep your ears up for future posts.